
追求完美还是谨慎?苹果在制作 Vision Pro 消息方面不遗余力

The Apple Vision Pro launch is drawing closer, and to make sure it gets everything right, ***le Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is exercising an abundance of caution.What H***ened: From ensuring developers h***e the branding right to reportedly requiring reviewers to be briefed about the mixed reality headset before they post their opinions, ***le is doing everything it can to ensure its $3500 Vision Pro launch lands just right.According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, ***le will require tech reviewers, bloggers, and influencers to be briefed before they post their opinions.***le's carefully orchestrated Vision Pro reviews plan: a hands-

追求完美还是谨慎?苹果在制作 Vision Pro 消息方面不遗余力

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